Menzerna One-Step Polish 3-in-1 (2 Sizes)

Menzerna One-Step Polish 3-in-1 (2 Sizes)

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Menzerna 3-in-1 is a one-step product that provides cut, gloss and wax.

It works like a medium sanding polish and removes 3000 grit and finer sanding marks by machine.

In addition to its cutting abilities it also finishes to a high gloss shine and leaves a protective layer of wax.

The nature of this one-step product saves time and money, completing three steps in one application.


-          Polishes, shines & protects in one easy step

-          Removes imperfections such as 3000 grit sanding marks, wash swirls & oxidation

-          Suitable for application by hand, rotary or DA polisher

-          Makes surfaces smoother to the touch

-          Bodyshop safe

-          Easy to use


Cut: 5/10

Gloss: 9/10

Available in: 250ml & 1000ml